Cotton Smart Socks

from $2.45

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  • Good For: Those searching for a highly functional, completely customisable and universally used brandable product

Good For: Those searching for a highly functional, completely customisable and universally used brandable product

Every step you take, every move you make, your customers will be watching you with our brandable smart socks.

A highly functional addition to any great brandable product collection, socks are universally used by (almost) everyone.

It won’t be a brandable product without a range of customisation options, and this one is without limitations.

At Good Things, we walk the walk, and these socks are no exception, with complete customisation at your fingertips.

You can weave in your brand colours, add embroidery or even put your face on them if you’re so inclined.

So, if you’re ready to take the next step, do it in style.

Size: US 8-12, approx 22cm x 22cm
Material: 75% cotton, 20% polyester, 5% spandex
Colour: Closest to PMS provided, up to 4 colours
Packaging: Recycled paper printed belly band
Pricing: All prices are ex GST and in Australian Dollars. Prices are subject to change at any time. Please add to your enquiry to confirm pricing.
The table pricing is for standard size.