Ariston Red Wine Glass

from $7.60

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Quality European made red wine glass

These stylishly designed Ariston Red Wine Glasses, are sure to deliver more than just a drop of relaxation to you and your customers. Made with the quality of crystalline, offering permanent brilliance after 1,000 wash cycles according to EU standards, you’re guranteed timeless clear transparency and clarity. European Made with a neutral shade of the glass, which mirrors the original colour of the beverage.

Size: 220mm (H) x 60mm (D)

Capacity: 530ml

Decoration Area: 50mm (W) x 40mm (H)

Decoration Method: High fired decal (dishwasher proof)

Available bulk packed or as a gift boxed 2 piece set.

Pricing: All prices are ex GST and in Australian Dollars. Prices are subject to change at anytime, please add to your enquiry to confirm pricing.