Impulse Power Bank

from $9.34

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2200 mAh portable charger for your mobile phone or small device that can recharge from a USB port. Includes USB to Micro USB cable for charging Power Bank. Recharges most devices on the market between 30%-80%. White Power Bank includes White cable, Black Power Bank includes Black cable. 12 month limited technology warranty.


Dimensions:Power Bank: 90 x 30 x 21mm (LxWxH)

Printable Area:Digital Print: Power Bank – 80 x 16mm (LxH), Case – 60 x 35mm (LxH), Box Sleeve – Full coverage; Pad Print: 60 x 16mm (LxH); Digital Label: Box – 71 x 41mm (LxH), Box – Full name only for variable data identification – 30 x 55mm (LxH); Screenprint: Case – 60 x 35mm (LxH)