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What I’ve Learnt about the Promo Industry

What I’ve Learnt about the Promo Industry

By Tara Rose

In Today’s post Tara Rose – a Marketing graduate who worked at Good Things for three years, team outlines what she has learnt since commencing work in the Promotional Products Industry.

We are creating an experience.

I was recently introduced to a book that I should of picked up long ago – ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ that I’ll admit didn’t really sound like my type of book – my motivation to pick it up was lacking even just looking at the cover.   However, I am proud to say I picked up that book and began reading and I was transfixed, barely putting it down.  Now, if there is one thing I learnt it was the absolute importance and effect positivity and genuine goodwill can have on people.  I wanted to be that person that made people smile over the phone!  That’s because a smile can be the factor that makes an exchange an experience worth repeating.  Promo products are an amazing way to enhance this experience.  Simply put, by giving someone a branded product you are communicating to a customer their importance and your want to invest in creating a valuable relationship.

Social validation is real and important.

We are living in a culture of connection. We are continually sharing, commenting and ‘liking’ content – we are connecting on so many different platforms. Instagram is one of my personal favourites.  If a product or experience can be created that instigates a conversation between your brand and customer you are already have one foot in the door.

People love free stuff…as long as it’s used.

There are those things that we may leave lying around that gets picked up every now again, but are useful and have a purpose.  It could be as simple as a pen, as long as its kept and is used it reinforces your brand and is perfect!

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