Square Acrylic Keychain

from $1.34

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A clear acrylic keychain with a four colour digital logo insert. The logo can be printed double sided if required. If not specified only 1 side will be printed with the second side being blank white. Made in Australia.

Variable-data printing (VDP)
(Also known as variable-information printing (VIP) or VI) is a form of digital printing, including on-demand printing, in which elements such as text, graphics and images may be changed from one printed piece to the next, without stopping or slowing down the printing process and using information from a database or external file.
For example, a set of labels, each with the same basic layout, can be printed with a different name on each label. Variable data printing is mainly used for direct marketing, customer relationship management, advertising, invoicing and applying addressing on selfmailers, brochures or postcard campaigns.

Product Dimensions: 41mm W x 41mm H