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The 5 Best Promotional Products For The Building Industry

The 5 Best Promotional Products For The Building Industry


If your clients are in the building and construction industry, you need to do your homework and find industry specific  which promotional products that will delight them. The building industry is a competitive space with plenty of different arms including but not limited to, carpenters, electricians, architects, construction supply companies and much more. So truly knowing who your audience is and digging deep into their industry or profile is always the first step.

Think about the pain points your target audience experiences. Some typical issues people in the construction industry face may include:

  • Health & safety hazards.
  • Managing construction projects in a timely manner.
  • Finding & carrying basic utility products while on a construction site.
  • Unstable or intermittent access to the internet.
  • Arrangements for food & drinks while located in remote construction areas.

While the above isn’t an exhaustive list, they’re just some of the concerns your audience would love a solution to. If you can use promotional products as a way to address some of these common problems, you’ll ensure you stay on their good books.

Let’s look at five promotional items that provide the maximum benefit to folks in the construction industry. Here goes:


Promotional Item 1: Safety Hats (Ideally They Have A Torch)

This is one of the most useful promotional products you can give to anyone working in construction. Most workers visiting construction sites must wear a safety hat for precautionary purposes, so if they wear a hat with your company’s logo, it’s unspoken advertising for you.

Ideally, if your budget permits, these safety hats include a torch on the front. This adds to the utility of these hats during evenings when it’s darker.

(Image Source) Hard hat or soft hat. We have you covered. Like here.

Never underestimate the value these hats provide!


Promotional Item 2: Measuring Tape

Giving measuring tape to construction professionals is like giving a stethoscope to a doctor. It’s what they need to use multiple times a day.

A great way to add to the utility provided by a measuring tape is to ensure it includes the bubble level checker. This simple tool allows construction workers to check how balanced a surface is based on the position of the water bubble on the measuring tape.

Ensure the measuring tape provides measurements in different metrics, like inches, centimeters, yards and meters. This helps workers use the metric that they would normally use, helping them abide my construction site norms.

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Measuring tapes come in all shapes and sizes. See more here.

Imprint your brand name on the tape or the plastic holder, depending on where you think your brand would get maximum visibility, so can multiply the number of impressions you get.


Promotional Item 3: Construction Cones

At a construction site, cones help with demarcating areas, creating boundaries, identifying specific construction zones and even defining location milestones. That’s why the value a construction cone brings can never be underestimated.

Put your company’s brand name on a construction cone, and you’ll be sure to catch the attention of those who walk anywhere around the cones, while ensuring their safety too.

(Image Source)


Promotional Item 4: Lunch Bags, Water Bottles

Another great way of staying at the top of your prospects minds is being in front of them when they’re hungry on a construction site.

More often than not, construction workers are working in remote areas with no restaurants and cafes in the locality. They usually make arrangements for food when they leave for work, and having a good lunch box, water bottle and carrying pack is an absolute essential for most folks in this space.

A good lunch box is one that keeps the food warm, a good water bottle is one that keeps the drink cool, and a good lunch bag is one that helps carry it all in a convenient way, keeping everything well insulated.

Your customers will always appreciate you for giving them lunch bags, especially since everyone needs more than a couple!


Promotional Item 5: Swiss Knives

Being in the construction industry requires professionals to be a bit of a jack of all trades. Sometimes you need to cut a wire, or drill a hole or sharpen edges, you never know!

The beauty of a swiss knife or multipurpose tool is that it gives a bunch of tools to construction professionals in their hands, in a portable, memorable and handy way.


(Image Source)

Embed your logo on the body of the tool, and they’ll make great promotional giveaways on any occasion. Explore what tools your audience most needs and include them on the swiss knife to provide extra utility and show to your customers that you care.


Wrapping it up

The best promotional products are the ones that solve a problem for your customers. Understand their deepest pains and design promotional products they’ll use daily to win the hearts and minds of those in the construction industry.


Reach out to Good Things to explore how we can help with your promotional product needs.

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